The best tricks to procrastinate less and be more productive, this is how I managed to change my professional life

Everyday life is marked by the performance of numerous routine tasks that distract our attention and reduce productivity levels. Thanks to new technologies such as AI or ML, numerous processes can be automated, but it is still necessary to also implement a change in mentality to end procrastination.
Procrastination is defined as the tendency to postpone important tasks, whether in the work or personal sphere. This can have negative consequences in the short-medium term, and if referred to in the business field, translate into significant economic losses.
According to October data, provided by CEPYME, average productivity in Spain accumulated two consecutive quarters of falls. In this way, the figure reaches 9.6% less than the lowest rate recorded in 2009. And in just two years, 9,000 SMEs have disappeared, calling into question the value of national productivity.
A recent study by the OECD has collected the values of GDP and productivity for the last four years. In this sense, Ireland leads the ranking with 132.2 GDP/hour worked. They are followed by Slovenia (47.7 GDP/hour worked), Lithuania (44.6 GDP/hour worked), Poland (43.9 GDP/hour worked) and Denmark (75.3 GDP/hour worked). Spain occupies 24th place with 52.5 GDP/hour worked, below the EU average of 55.6 GDP/hour worked.
The best remedy against procrastination
To improve this negative factor and be more productive, it is best to establish a daily schedule in a simple and effective way. In this way, everything involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks and creating a roadmap to address projects in a clear and orderly manner. It is not about doing more tasks in less time, but about being more efficient and decisive.
Acquiring the habit of daily planning is not easy, but in a maximum period of one week you will be able to change your mentality and obtain great results both personally and professionally. The key is to set realistic goals during the first three days.
To do this, you will have to prioritize what is most urgent, realistically planning the time each task will take. This will ensure rigorous monitoring of each completed action and gradually increase satisfaction with the work performed.
It is very important to avoid multitasking. This aspect refers to the fact that new technologies facilitate simultaneity, but that reduces productivity and the division of efforts. To prevent concentration from dissipating and possible mistakes being made, you will have to focus on something concrete.
First of all, you will have to write down all the tasks that must be addressed, that is, define what you want to achieve and set a clear purpose. Then you will have to prioritize the tasks, identifying which are the most important and the first to address. All this by creating a daily routine, that is, setting specific times to carry out certain activities (work, sports, leisure, etc.). Thus, baking will become an integrated habit.
Next, it will be important to identify possible distractions and work to minimize them. In this way, it is recommended to allocate specific spaces of the day to leisure and mental relaxation. To get extra motivation, it is highly recommended to share your goals with friends or family. Like any goal we set for ourselves, abandoning procrastination will require an act of willpower that will end up being very rewarding.
It is very important, in this new habit, to finish everything you start to learn to focus your mind and gain consistency, without leaving tasks half done. To do this, working in an orderly and clean space will be essential to achieve full motivation and create an ideal climate for concentration.
As has been mentioned previously, it is important to set goals and reward effort. A prize or giving yourself a positive phrase is usually an incentive in this new path to explore.
To overcome procrastination and be more productive, the essential thing will be to accept responsibilities. This means facing new, larger projects that make you feel more relevant within the company, increasing motivation with more stimulating challenges. However, the responsibilities assumed must be in line with the capabilities to avoid a negative effect of frustration.
Procrastination: a silent enemy
Abandoning procrastination will not only make us more productive from a work perspective, but also make us face life from another perspective, taking care of our mental and emotional health.
Procrastination is a silent enemy that can affect the quality of our personal relationships and general well-being, causing behavioral patterns such as anxiety, fear of failure or poor perception of time. That is why it is important to have an analytical mindset and discover what is hidden behind procrastination.
Productivity at work and in personal life benefits the professional growth of employees and the success of companies, since their workers will feel an active part and will identify with both the collective achievements and the brand image.